This article was created assuming the SPN ID and Secret details are stored in the Azure Key vault.
spn_ID = TokenLibrary.getSecret("{your AzureKeyVaultName}","{ID Secret Name}","{Linked Service to connect to KeyVault}")
spn_Secret = TokenLibrary.getSecret("{your AzureKeyVaultName}","{Secret Name}","{Linked Service to connect to KeyVault}")
tenant_id = "{tenant Id of your SPN}"
servername = "jdbc:sqlserver://{your Server Address}"
db_Name = "{database name}"
url = servername + ";"+"databaseName = " + db_Name
resource_id_URL = ""
authority = ""+tenant_id
context = adal.AuthenticationContext(authority)
token = context.acquire_token_with_client_credentials(resource_id_URL, spn_ID,spn_Secret)
accesstoken = token["accessToken"]
df ="jdbc")\
.option("driver", "")\
.option("url" , url)\
.option("query", "SELECT * FROM Table_Name")\
.option("accessToken" , accesstoken)\
Nice Information.